Things to do in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda’s largest national park, offers a remarkable blend of wildlife diversity and stunning landscapes. Named after the powerful Murchison Falls where the Nile River plunges through a narrow gorge, the park provides an array of activities that cater to every type of traveler. Here are some must-do activities that will enrich your visit to this incredible destination.

Game drives

One of the most popular activities in Murchison Falls National Park is embarking on game drives. These drives offer an excellent opportunity to see a wide variety of wildlife in their natural habitats. As you traverse through savannah, woodland, and riverine forests, you can spot the Big Five, including elephants, lions, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos (at the adjacent Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary).

The diversity of landscapes ensures that each game drive is unique and thrilling. Expert guides accompany you, sharing their knowledge and tracking skills to enhance your wildlife viewing experience.

Boat safaris

Exploring the Nile River by boat is another must-do activity in the park. Boat safaris offer a unique perspective on the park’s wildlife and scenic beauty. The Nile Delta Boat Cruise takes you to where the river meets Lake Albert, an excellent spot for bird watching and viewing aquatic animals.

Additionally, a boat trip to the base of Murchison Falls allows for a close-up view of the powerful waterfalls. Along the way, you’ll see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. For a more relaxed experience, sunset cruises on the Nile provide tranquil beauty and excellent photography opportunities.

Hiking to the top of the Falls

Hiking to the top of Murchison Falls is an exhilarating experience that offers stunning views of the falls and the Nile River. The hike includes guided nature walks through lush forests and along riverbanks, where you can see a variety of flora and fauna.

The scenic views of the Nile as it forces its way through a narrow gorge, creating a powerful cascade, are simply breathtaking. This hike is perfect for photography enthusiasts, providing numerous vantage points to capture the dramatic waterfalls and surrounding landscapes.


Bird watching in Murchison Falls National Park is a bird watcher’s paradise, with over 450 bird species recorded. The park is home to unique bird species endemic to the Albertine Rift, such as the Shoebill Stork, African Fish Eagle, and Grey-crowned Crane.

Guided birding tours led by expert ornithologists can help you identify and learn about the different species. Exploring the diverse habitats, including savannah, forests, and wetlands, each offers unique birding opportunities and a deeper appreciation for the park’s avian diversity.

Chimpanzee tracking and habituation

Budongo Forest, located on the southern edge of Murchison Falls National Park, is renowned for its chimpanzee population. Chimpanzee tracking in Budongo Forest offers an opportunity to observe these primates in their natural habitat.

The chimpanzee habituation experience allows you to spend more time with these fascinating animals, learning about their behavior and social structure. Guided nature walks through the dense forest reveal a variety of primates, birds, and plant species, providing a comprehensive understanding of this unique ecosystem.

Spot fishing

For fishing enthusiasts, Murchison Falls National Park offers excellent opportunities for sport fishing on the Nile River. Try your hand at catching the Nile Perch, one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.

Scenic fishing spots below the falls and along the riverbanks provide an enjoyable fishing experience surrounded by wildlife. Professional guides are available to assist with equipment and techniques, ensuring a successful and memorable fishing trip.

Cultural encounters.

Engaging with the local communities around Murchison Falls National Park provides valuable cultural insights. Cultural tours allow you to visit nearby villages and experience traditional dances, music, and crafts.

These tours offer a chance to learn about the cultural heritage and history of the people living around the park. Supporting community-based tourism projects helps improve local livelihoods and promotes sustainable tourism.

By participating in these cultural encounters, you gain a deeper appreciation for the vibrant cultural heritage that enriches the park’s ecosystem.


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