Uganda is a landlocked country in east Africa, renowned as the pearl of Africa, the primates of this destination are the highlight of a typical safari to the country, experience man’s closet relative the Chimpanzee in the Kibale forest national park,  visit the Bwindi impenetrable national park for the famous mountain gorilla species there is half population of the worlds remaining population of them that is found within the national park, our 10 Days Uganda wildlife safari will also take you to the Queen Elizabeth national park, the contrast conservation area is known for tree climbing lions, the safari point of visit is usually the Kazinga channel, palace for its high population of hippos in the wild.

Tour highlight

Mountain gorillas
Chimpanzee tracking
Wildlife game drives.

Detailed itinerary.

Day 1: Arrival in Entebbe.

Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our company representative who will transfer you to accommodation that has been booked in Entebbe depending on the time you arrive you will enjoy a visit to the Entebbe botanical gardens, it is a wonderful place of birds and cool environment, we will then return to the lodge for dinner and staying overnight.

Day 2: Transfer to Murchison falls national park.

Morning breakfast after which we will be transferred to Murchison falls national park the conservation area is one of the most visited ecosystems of Uganda, situated in the northern part of the country, it is amazing by how much you will see at the destination right from the main feature of the Murchison falls, we stop over at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for a rhino tracking session, tracking is done of foot led by an experienced ranger guide, it takes 2-3 hours doing the activity after which we will be driven to Murchison falls national park, we will enjoy an evening with a few snacks and later dinner and stay overnight at your preferred lodge.

Day 3: Morning Game drives and afternoon boat cruise along the Victoria Nile.

We will have breakfast after which head out for a game drive, through the well distributed trails expect to see wildlife including lions, leopards, Jackson hartebeests, jackal, oribi, hyenas, bushbucks, warthogs, among others through the game tracks within the national park the morning time is a beautiful time to see animal activity, they come out to graze and hunt, the drives last for 2-3 hours taking pictures and enjoying the wilderness, returning to the lodge for lunch and an afternoon boat cruise to the bottom of the falls, the witness of the fall is magical experience, along the trails you will notice school of hippos, basking crocodiles, and the many birds on a lucky day you will be chanced to see shoe bill stock along the marshy swampy areas, we will return to meet your guide who will take you to the lodge for your dinner and staying overnight.

Day 4: Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park.

Kibale Forest National Park is home to 13 primate species in Uganda, it is most sought after when it comes to chimpanzees, they live in troops of up to 100 members led by a male alpha on this day following an early morning breakfast, we will be transferred to Uganda’s largest conservation area, the drive takes a whole day drive through beautiful villages and small towns of Kagagdi district, we arrive in the evening for dinner and staying overnight at your preferred lodge, if time allows we can get some time and take a walk around the camp, sitting overlooking crater lakes.

Day 5: Chimpanzee tracking and Bigodi swamp walk

Following an early morning breakfast, we will be transferred to Kanyanchu, the park headquarters of Kibale for a briefing about the forest and chimpanzees, in groups of 6 you will be guided into the forest, hiking there is a possibility of meeting other species of the park, for example, black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, it takes 2-3 walking through the forest in search of man’s closet relatives, they have been scientifically proven to share up to 98% of the human DNA, and intelligent nature, an hour is allowed while with the primates to interact and take pictures, we will return to meet your guide  back to the lodge for lunch and an afternoon visit to the Bigodi swamp, expect to see more of primates in the region and the many birds, diner and staying overnight at

Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park and evening game drives.

On this day we will have an early morning breakfast, after which transfer to Uganda’s second largest conservation area, it is popular for the diverse ecosystem, a drive from the Kibale forest national park will take you through the southern sector of Queen Elizabeth national park Ishasha this region is best known for tree climbing lions and on a lucky day you might see some in the fig trees, expect to meet a few animal types in the animal corridor for example topi, elands, waterbucks,checkin at the lodge and an evening game drive which will end in sundowners. Returning to the lodge for dinner and staying overnight.

Day 7: Morning game drives and Kazinga boat cruise.

Early morning, we will be transferred to the Kasenyi plains for game drives, the savannah plains of this region are home to many animal species and through the well-distributed game routes in the park expect to see waterbucks, lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, and many bird types to mention afew, it takes 2-3 hours on open safari cars or game viewers for you to have the chance to view animal species and take pictures as well. Return to the lodge for lunch and an afternoon boat cruise along the Kazinga channel, it is an oasis in the wild mostly during the dry season, there are several animal species that come around to graze, the channel connects two rift valley lakes of Edward and George, the cruise takes 2-3 hours depending on weather conditions.

Day 8: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

On this day we will have an early morning breakfast after which transfer to Bwindi impenetrable national park through the animal corridor of Ishasha, arriving in time for a hot lunch and an afternoon visit to the Batwa community, these are a group of the last remaining short structured people in Uganda, they lived in the forest, however, due to conservation purposes they were evicted and continued living in the surrounding areas. They are also known as the keepers of the forest and will take you on a forest tour through their eyes. Dinner and staying overnight at

Day 9: Full-day gorilla trekking experience.

Morning breakfast after which we will be transferred to the park headquarters for gorilla trekking, a briefing from the Uganda wildlife game rangers in groups of 8 you will be allocated a gorilla family to track, it takes 2 -8 hours to do the activity or even the entire day, the hike through the forest is tough, upon meeting the gentle brown-eyed species this whole feeling melts away as you engage and interact with them, an hour is allowed while with the primates, returning to meet your guide who will transfer you to the accommodation booked for your dinner and staying overnight at

Day 10: Departure.

Morning breakfast, later our guide will drive downhill for your departure to Entebbe international airport or Kampala Kajjansi for departure.

Tour includes.

  • Gorilla permits
  • Chimpanzee permits.
  • Full board accommodation.
  • All ground transfers inclusive of fuel
  • English-speaking guide.
  • Batwa community visit tour.


  • Visas and air tickets.
  • All activities none included in the travel plan.
  • Extra services are not included in the travel plan.
  • Tips and gratuities given to hotel staff and guides.

Tour Reviews

5.00 based on 1 review
August 21, 2015

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